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what triggers my anger quiz

what triggers my anger quiz

You pride yourself in being a good driver who does things the right way. When you get behind a slow driver (especially if you're running late) you just can't help but feel your heart race and your blood boil. No one will remember later on, and if they do, so what?

True False 8.

Hide in the bathroom? Here are some common anger triggers. If a person "really" loves someone else, they will have no need to be ever be angry with them. 5. I tend to hold onto thoughts of revenge. People who make us feel angry ought to be punished or called on it. Everyone has bad days and everyone has times when they are more likely to be hurt or offended by something that someone else says or does. Cry. Going into an argument, your biggest worry would be: The other person is bigger and stronger than me, so if this turns into a fist fight I'm screwed. By Dennis R. Tesdell . No one is a stranger to embarrassment. Even if you only answered one question  (#4 as "seldom," which indicates that you have struck out at someone in anger), you'd better learn to handle your anger--before it handles you! I tend to hold grudges against those who I feel wronged me. Right and wrong are moral judgments usually, and very subjective.

Having a cup of coffee or tea while thinking things over.

Likewise, we are not responsible for how others might feel. Their background, current situation or mindset creates an entirely different persona than others have. About Anger.

4. False. Your reaction when you bump into this person?

The first step in overcoming anger is usually identifying what makes you mad. Certainly how we word things can tilt the scales one way or another sometimes, but each person is at choice for how they interpret and decide to feel about what someone says or does. Include experiences in recent memory; don't include childhood experiences.

Nothing triggers your anger quite like an ignorant person! Fortunately, in the last 10-20 years, many parents and teachers are teaching both the males and females that it is natural and healthy to express their feelings openly and honestly when they feel them, and not to be ashamed or embarrassed by them. Those who invoke your wrath had better watch out; you won't be stammering or teary eyed when you calmly, coolly, and easily stare them down with a sharp frown and deliver psychological blows to the likes of which they've never before experienced. Answer the questions below and click Submit to receive your anger levels: Assess your anger level: Reduce your ... Test your knowledge of the fight-or-flight response with this revision quiz. When you get mad all ration goes flying out the window- you've come to destroy; those who piss you off had better start running. If someone tells us they are angry with us that means that we did something wrong. This last question is primarily for reflection. If we express our anger with someone, chances are we will make them feel angry or hurt.

Keep on track, because you're certainly doing something right. 7. When working on a group project in school, your most common thought was: Looks like I don't have to do that much work this time. You always like to get your facts straight before making a decision or forming an opinion. You pride yourself on being an honest and open person who is up front with those you love. Does shamelessly humiliating them later on count? You may or may not make sense as you spit out death threats and promises of pain, but you'll sure as hell sound scary doing it.

For you, being lied to is the ultimate form of betrayal. your peace, Reclaim For you, being lied to is the ultimate form of betrayal.

You're a wet anger type of person, as odd as it may sound. 10. Expressing anger is natural and can be far healthier than "holding it in."

It takes you a while to reach your breaking point, but when you reach it, you're done. In a love relationship, it would be highly unusual for there never to be any conflict or anger expressed or displayed. You're a primarily "dry anger" type of person. Check the blank that best describes you. The only times when expressing anger is not healthy is if a person is continually feeling angry or expressing it in ways that hurt other    people or that are destructive. No. This anger test has been designed to check the anger level of a person.

Obviously, if we hit someone or call them a nasty name they might well choose to feel angry. Let it all out and just be done with it. If I explain to him how idiotic he's being, maybe he'll just be silent for once? Anger Quiz. How often do you get angry at something and decide later that you overreacted? If you have got below normal anger level then you have high coping level and patience. True False 10. This would be so much easier if I could do the whole thing myself. Answer the following questions true or false regarding anger: Getting angry is not healthy for you.

Perhaps how angry a person decides to "become" and how they express or discharge it is a better gauge of their personal development and emotional "maturity.". How often have you hurt others, mentally, because of your anger? Managing your triggers and avoiding them as much as possible will help you manage your anger. When you get mad the tears start going, and that just makes everything worse.

Your primary anger type is hot. Being against someone who just can't drop the subject. False. Click here to view and print forms for your appointment. If we express our anger toward someone, chances are we will make them feel angry or hurt. what caused my anger. Figure they weren't worth your time and don't deserve to hang out with you in the near future. Stable, mature people should be able to control their anger. The trick is in letting go of the anger after acknowledging it and expressing it in a healthy and nonviolent manner. Displaying anger this way shows that person is not in control and is likely to hurt someone or themselves, or damage property. Their background, current situation or mindset creates an entirely different persona than others have. Nothing triggers your anger quite like being lied to! Don't let it flame to a high level where you hurt others or objects.

Rekindle Don't be mistaken- this doesn't make you weak. Do seemingly minor things make you angry? False.

Woman have as much need and right to be angry and to express it as men do. Now, keep taking care to deal with your anger appropriately. The truth is, everyone has things happen in their lives that creates anger from time to time. Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served Areas Served, Anger Etiquette Training Anger Management Counseling Adults Ragers, Anger Management for Adults Children Court Ordered, Probation & Parole. When you really mess up you... Do your best not to break into tears and laugh it off. Nothing triggers your anger quite like a hypocrite! It is important to realize that we are only in control of our own feelings and cannot "make" anyone feel one emotion or another. 6.

People who display anger in this manner (more aptly called a "rage") need to learn better and less violent ways of expressing anger. Punching bag or verbally assaulting someone while playing a video game online always seems to do the trick. How often has someone else said that you got "too angry" over a particular situation?

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