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university of applied sciences europe

university of applied sciences europe

The University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) educates tomorrow's designers and decision-makers in the areas of business, sports, media & event, and art & design. Aby wprowadzić tę politykę w życie, UE tworzy atmosferę dobrego samopoczucia i sprzyja klimatowi, w którym można dawać z siebie wszystko.

Penser selon des lignes internationales Les frontières nationales sont depuis longtemps floues dans le monde des affaires. MASTERSTUDIES aide les étudiants à trouver la bonne formation. Jesteśmy po to, aby zadbać o to, abyś był idealnie przygotowany do rozpoczęcia swojej kariery zawodowej i do tego, aby Twoja droga oalt = "wn alt =". Do you have questions about our university or programmes? Welcome to our university. 93% des diplômés en entreprise ont un emploi en moins d'un an, Expérience pratique dans des projets réels, Partenariats avec des entreprises renommées, Les étudiants internationaux sont éligibles pour un visa post-étude de 18 mois, Semestre à l'étranger / semestre d'expérience de travail intégré aux programmes, Centre de carrière et bureau international pour soutenir les étudiants, UE dans le top 10 des universités privées pour la qualité de l'enseignement dans les études commerciales, Les élèves sont enseignés en petits groupes, Des conférenciers hautement qualifiés alt = "avec une expérience réelle dans leur domaine d'expertise, La plupart des programmes sont offerts à 100% en anglais, Étudiants de plus de 100 nationalités sur le campus. UE promotes the future-oriented development of […] Berlin, Hamburg i Iserlohn - bohaterowie tych trzech miast nie mogą się bardziej różnić. Our students become part of an innovative and international network, representing more than 100 nations at our locations in Berlin, Hamburg, and Iserlohn. Quelle est la procédure d'admission pour ce programme ? Late application apply by 16.10.2020 - Sign up! Benefit from an environment where you can come together with creators from all over the world, develop new ideas, and fully reach your creative potential. This is true for both the "research-oriented university" sector as well as the "university of applied sciences" sector which had been established in the 1990s.

” jest ściśle powiązany z alt = "pytanie„ Gdzie chcę być?

Myślenie międzynarodowe W świecie biznesu granice narodowe już dawno się zatarły. Our students become part of an innovative and international network, representing more than 100 nations at our locations in Berlin, Hamburg and Iserlohn. Wyniki mówią same za siebie: absolwenci" Uniwersytetu Applied Sciences Europe ”bardzo szybko wchodzi na rynek pracy. Ville internationale animée avec un grand style de vie. Berlin Campus University of Europe for Applied Sciences educates the designers and decision-makers of tomorrow in the fields of Business, Sports, Media and Event and Art & Design. We wszystkich programach obowiązują dwie zasady przewodnie: praktyczne uczenie się i myślenie w kontekście międzynarodowym. Quelle est la langue d'enseignement de ce programme ? University of Applied Sciences Berlin - BiTS/BTK. We pursue respectful interpersonal relationships that motivate our students and employees to contribute to the shaping and further development of the university and each individual. W UE oferujemy studia licencjackie i magisterskie, zarówno stacjonarne, jak i niestacjonarne w okresie zatrudnienia. The university is accredited by the German Council of Science and Humanities and the programmes are accredited by FIBAA and the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZevA). Our lectures will take place in a hybrid fashion, combining face-to-face on campus and live online via MS Teams. est étroitement liée à la question alt = "" Où veux-je être? " Nasza aktywna wymiana daje również możliwość obserwowania, jak ludzie sukcesu prowadzą biznes. The University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) is a state-accredited, private institution, which was founded in 2006 in Berlin.

Idealne dla przedsiębiorców i freelancerów. Nasze podejście do nauczania: praktyczne, międzynarodowe, interdyscyplinarne i nastawione na sukces.

Take our free career test that will match you with programs and careers based on your interests and personality. This accreditation was awarded for the longest possible duration of 10 years,  which is an honor shared by only a few universities in Germany.

Niemcy są najsilniejszą gospodarką w Europie, a stopa bezrobocia jest niska. Want to get more information about this institute and its programs? Utilisez notre site Web pour trouver des informations sur les diplômes et les débouchés, et parlez directement aux chargés d'admission des écoles et universités qui vous intéressent.

Universities of Applied Sciences exist in many European countries and are known by different names: A Bachelor’s degree at the University of Applied Sciences Europe is the  ideal foundation for a successful professional future - be it in business, media, sports, IT and technology, employment, as manager, or entrepreneur. At the University of Applied Sciences Europe, students are provided relevant specialist, decision-making and social skills through modern pedagogical concepts in flexible study programmes. This information will be sent directly to the school, and a representative will respond to your enquiry. Study business, sports, media & event or art & design.

UE oferuje również rodzinne środowisko, w którym można się uczyć. Quelle est la date limite d'inscription à ce programme ? Kampus w doskonałej lokalizacji (centrum miasta, dobrze skomunikowany). Naszym najważniejszym celem jest Twój sukces. Kampus w Iserlohn jest otoczony zielenią i oferuje wiele możliwości wypoczynku - zajęcia w Seilersee Kampus w Hamburgu znajduje się w dzielnicy Altona, tuż obok portu i rzeki Łaby.

It came into existence in 2017 after the merge of BTK University of Art & Design and BiTS University of Business, Sports, Media & Event. I myśl w kategoriach międzynarodowych. med." Ce séjour à l'étranger est organisé en étroite collaboration avec nos universités partenaires du Global University Systems (GUS) . These goals are pursued and met by a professorship which itself is scientifically and practically active and is fully acquainted with the current challenges in its field of expertise. There is no uniform teaching. Fill out the form and include any questions you have. Nous vous équipons pour répondre à ces exigences. ", "At the UE we have always made the practical reference and worked on real cases. European partnership: U!REKA. The University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) educates tomorrow's designers and decision-makers in the areas of business, sports, media & event, and art & design.

University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) is member of Global University Systems. Hoalt = "w knoalt =" connaissances et compétences sont enseignées Aujourd'hui, vous avez besoin d'une combinaison de capacités pour forger une carrière réussie. Pas d'allemand requis (tout le monde parle anglais). All of our programs are accredited by FIBAA, one of the most relevant European and internationally-oriented agencies for quality assurance and development in academic education. Medicine and dentistry pose an exception; these studies are not divided into bachelor's and master's degree, but take 6 years to complete and the degree obtained is called "Dr. The PCC gives you the graduate the opportunity to present your development and extracurricular accomplishments in a compact format and to emphasize your professional qualities in applications. Notre échange actif vous donne également l'occasion d'observer à quel point les gens réussissent en affaires. Here you will find our current vacancies.

No matter whether you are interested in Management and Entrepreneurship or Design and Art, use the interdisciplinary exchange and let the campus inspire you! Chcemy stworzyć środowisko, w którym można rozwinąć silny charakter. As a cosmopolitan, European university, we cultivate both local and global perspectives and actively promote the international mobility of our students. Study in Germany, where we have the strongest economy in Europe and unemployment rates, crime rates and living costs are low. Zaufanie jest w tobie. You gain valuable practical experience through the many projects with our partners from the worlds of business, media, politics, NGOs, the arts and culture. Tak więc semestr studiów za granicą jest stałym elementem programu studiów licencjackich i Międzynarodowej Szkoły Letniej na studiach magisterskich.

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