Flagship | nest cam outdoor vs iq
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nest cam outdoor vs iq

nest cam outdoor vs iq

The Nest Cam can alert you whenever motion is detected and differentiate between humans and animals. On top of that potential Aware subscription, as we say, you also have to actually shell out for the newest member of your smart home. One of the big positives of the Nest cameras is that they’re perhaps the most adept at linking up with the rest of your smart home. Through any variation of the Nest cameras, you won’t be able to record clips, and instead will have to opt-in to Nest Aware to receive a full 24-hour piece of footage to run through — not just clips of key events.

This isn’t the biggest deal, of course, but it might make a difference to you if you’re looking for the most discreet option available or simply want something that can fit onto your shelf without taking up too much room. The Nest Cam Outdoor comes in at $179, while the Cam IQ Outdoor sits at a whopping $349. ça fait surement de moi un gros con au yeux de Chloé, mais si ça peut éviter une amende salée et des tensions de voisinage… : Au vue de la photo du test avec la position de la caméra qui pointe en permanence la rue (et accessoirement la maison du voisin en face…) il me paraît irresponsable de diffuser ce test sans au minimum un avertissement rappelant au positionnement illégal dans cet exemple ! Précisons que le câble de la Nest Cam IQ Outdoor est amovible et peut se brancher à deux endroits différents sur la tête, afin de faciliter l'installation. Il faut retirer deux vis pour accéder à l'emplacement de la carte microSD de l'Ezviz C3X.

Best outdoor smart home cameras: See outside your home anytime, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor offers cable security installation option, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor features LED ring to highlight when it's being used, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor is IP66 rated with -40C to +45C operational temperature, Nest Cam Outdoor is IP65 rated with -20C to +40C operational temperature, 4K, 8MP sensor with 12x digital zoom and HDR on Nest Cam IQ Outdoor, 1080P, 3MP sensor with 8x digital zoom on Nest Cam Outdoor, Both offer 1080p recording and 130-degree field of view, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor has three microphones and 15 x more powerful speaker, Both offer 24/7 live video with motion detection, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor has person detection alerts without subscription, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor offers Philips Hue Lighting, Wemo plugs, TP-Link and Lifx compatibility, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor has Supersight for automatic zoom and tracking, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor is more expensive to buy, Nest Aware subscription price changes and discounts available, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor offers familiar faces alerts with a subscription. And just for reference the Indoor retails for the same price as the Outdoor, which we will get to in a minute. Before we dive into what makes these cameras different, let’s start with what makes them the same. Nest does offer slight reductions when grouping multiples of the same camera together, too, which is a neat way to skim the price tag. You'll find a slew of mounting options, which makes deciding on which are best a little difficult. Alors au risque d’être lourd je vais me répéter : Like the indoor version, the Nest Cam IQ Outdoor camera also has a "familiar faces" feature which is accessible under the Nest Aware subscription. Without Nest Aware subscription, both cameras record just three hours of footage.

Supersight also follows the person around, allowing you to easily identify that person. Turn any part of your video history into a clip or time lapse that you can share with family, friends, or the police. L'Ezviz C3X et la Nest Cam IQ Outdoor filment des images en Full HD (1 920 x 1 080 pixels). All rights reserved. Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data; projecting how events might unfold based on past events or how products and services compare against each other. Mais avant tout : adoratrice du Ketchup, Bof, j’ai personnellement trois EufyCam 2 de Anker à € 159.- pièce qui fonctionnent sur batteries (jusqu’à une année selon le marketing, mais même si c’est 8 mois c’est déjà excellent) et qui enregistrent tout et de façon illimité sur la box dédiée, pour rien au monde je ne les échangerais contre les horreurs câblées testées ici….

Copyright © 2019 - All Home Robotics. This doesn’t extend back to the first generation camera, and, in fairness, such a feature would be much less suited to the outdoor versions. Withstand low pressure water jets and operate in a temperature range at -40°C to 45°C. Nest Cam Outdoor has a 3-megapixel sensor that gives you 8x digital zoom, while the IQ version has an 8-megapixel camera that can provide 12x digital zoom. Along with a sharper sensor, the Cam IQ supports HDR, which prevents direct sunlight from completely blowing out your image, and its improved infrared LEDs help it see better at night, too. It functions in a temperature range of –4° to 104°F (–20° to 40°C). A Wi-Fi-connected security camera is one of the best and smartest ways to protect your home and belongings. So basically a solid $100 less the Cam IQ. Although we discussed subscriptions briefly above, it’s helpful to devote a little more discussion to the different subscription options in its own section. The status light would tell you if your Nest Cam IQ Outdoor is working normally, is streaming live video, or lost its connection to your Wi-Fi network. Difference 2: Person Alerts & Familiar Face – Both cameras feature nifty functionality that allows the device to recognize that a person’s in the room — and even remember familiar faces!

Malheureusement, cette option est payante, comme l'historique accéléré qui permet de visionner toute une journée en quelques secondes. Familiar face alerts. L'Ezviz C3X détecte une activité à 7,60 m et permet d'identifier un visage à 4,70 m — ce qui la positionne comme l'une des meilleures de notre comparatif. Seattle, WA 98109 La puissance sonore est suffisante pour comprendre les énoncés, si on se trouve à quelques mètres de l'appareil et dans un environnement très calme.

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