16 Oct Peter Schmeichel
Drop down from the gun pickup and move through two doors to the right. On map it's pass key, but i can't get it. The final cut scene will trigger. Use the foam to go through vent straight down and get Foam Pack 2.
Continue to speed run to the right and you will break through a wall to pick up Passkey 7.
A- Skip destroying entire machine after picking up foam gun. Dive down and right here, missile through some rocks, and collect Missile Pack 9. Head up and left into the save room. This will make a crane of sorts fall down and open a new shaft. Everything is invulnerable here until we walk far enough to the left to trigger a cutscene. Pull the lever, and it will open a small hatch. Dispatch them all and look for a crate to the right of the fight. When the ceiling almost touches you, jump to start speed running on the ceiling. Now it is time for us to complete almsost all the pickups west of the big mineshaft, except the Fusion helmet, a grenade pack, and the final gun pickup, all of which we will pick up on a route near the end of the game. Hookshot to stop yourself on the left wall, then shoot through and enter to find Missile Pack 20. Shoot foam in both of the mechanisms and exit right. From the save room go all the way right to find a grenade panel and Grenade Pack 13. Top 10 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels. Climb the ladders on the right wall, and now it's time to start going down the new shaft we made a bit ago. Blast through this using a foam grenade and enter this room to obtain Foam Pack 10. You should see some grenade rocks on the top left.
I would also like ot make some. Exit top left here. exit left, drop down to the bottom of the chamber. B- Investigate if Health Upgrade 6 could be collected just before the friction dampener gold bar in the factory.
© Valve Corporation. Inside pick up Armor Upgrade 2. Go down through the open panel and move quickly through the heated room to the left and then up. We could just exit out the top of the map here, but there are a few pickups that are easier to grab with the scuba mask, and since we're going for 100% anyway, we might as well go grab it. Exit right and swim through a pipe maze. ChAIR’s fresh twist on classic side-scrolling design with modern gameplay is amplified in Shadow Complex Remastered. It's time for a friction dampener trick to get a gold bar. From here you should know the rest. In the save room, exit through the vent in the top left and go up in the vent to Gold Bar 5. Ride it up and go left. Make your way all the way left here and drop behind some boxes for grenade pack 26. Exit right and then immediately go up and left into the save room. At the top of this passage there is a vent in the floor. You'll go through some vents and hear some more excellent dialog, and then drop into a save room. Now exit left, down, and left, but do not enter the save room. Destroy the stamping machines and head back to the closest save room. Then consult our items and upgrades compendium for screens and video. Shadow Complex provides a fresh twist on classic side-scroller action by delivering an original single-player adventure that unfolds across a range of non-linear levels. Exit left, hop back up and past the helicopter to the right to find an elevator to take you down to the Omega armor. Drop down to the next passage. Here you will trigger a mech fight. Head left after this fight, and you will find a pier going into the water. From the top one of these, build a foam path by shooting up and right diagonally until you can jump onto it. Vent on left side, halfway up elevator shaft. Drop down here and crawl through a vent to the left. This time exit top left through the vents we originally entered with on the top left corner of the room. If you have unlocked infinite missiles with your game XP, you can quickly 'load last save' in this room to turn on infinite missiles. You will be in a large chamber.
Blow this hatch and go left for Missile Pack 17, which will not show an icon on the map due to sharing a square with the save room above. Exit this room through the elevator and to the left. Grenade down to pick up Grenade Pack 9. Double jump up the vent to access Grenade Pack 11. Instead, scale the walls with your double jump and find a pack of enemies on the top left, including a shield enemy.
Pick up grenade Pack 1 and throw some grenades to the left wall which will open a passage to the left through the floor. See introduction for more info about this. Exit left and back up the ladder. Foam up to the left wall and then wall-climb up a bit. Shadow Complex is presented in 2.5D format; the game world is three-dimensional, but the player can only move in two dimensions, simulating the environment of a side-scrolling video game. Exit up with foam and a grenade It might help to foam the moving platform to stick it in place. Can Nintendo Make the Switch Even Better?
I was able to investigate and eliminate a couple of ideas. Don't do that again, instead exit left and crawl left through the small passage at ground level, then go up through a save room and to the surface.
Just under the pipes at the top, on the right, is a small path leading to Grenade Pack 4.
Crawl out of the panel and to the left. Contents Plot Characters Levels Weapons Equipment Soundtrack News Shadow Complex was released on August 19, 2009.
blow through some missile rocks for Missile Pack 8.
Enter the missile door. The second one can be shot out by jumping up from the left edge of the elevator when it is at the bottom. Hey i was wondering what software you use to chart these maps. Keep holding speed run active until you get a notification that you have picked up Passkey 12. You may need to build a foam stack to get enough height, but jump up this shaft and collect Foam Pack 6. Locked in room until machinery is completely destroyed. Exit the water to the right and drop down a hole into another small pond. Go back into the boss room and exit left. Go back to the ladder and slide all the way down to the bottom. Follow this path up and right again through a missile hatch, then drop down into the save room. There are two places you can stand on the left wall without any foam. Other methods can be tried as well. Exit right and go down through the vent and a little swim to the right. Touching it is forbidden. Take the elevator up to the fourth floor and go left, killing everything, lowering the blast shield, and using a missile on the fuel tank.
Exit right and down to a large area with enemies. Exit right and continue right for a few map squares until you find a small gap and a ladder leading down to a grenade door.
If all goes well you will break a box allowing you to drop down and pick up gold bar 9. Follow the path right here and continue right, down, left and right again until you get to the room surrounded by two grenade doors. Then drop to the bottom and exit the vents through the hatch on the right. Exit the hatch and head right to the room with the grenade pack we skipped.Drop down and turn a valve to flood the room. On the left side of this room is Health Upgrade 7. Here we begin to break sequences. We’ve included video for the most difficult items. You will get Missile Pack 7 and Armor Upgrade 3. Exit left and enter an elevator. Ignore all the noise and exit this area quickly back through the missile door at the top of the area. Almost there. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. You will go right through the hatch. Shadow Complex Remastered Trainer (+6) Options: Trainer for the game Shadow Complex Remastered, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes: Infinite Health, One Hit Kill, No Reload, Unlimited Throwables, Unlimited Flashlight Energy, Unlimited Oxygen. Exit left and follow the path to lower the shields below and drop down to the thrust boots. Then blast through the missile hatch straight down to pick up Foam Pack 14.
13 videos on playlist. SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info. Ignore the grenade you might see below for a moment and and head left until you get to the save room. Pick up Armor upgrade 7. Exit up and take the ladder up to a hatch on the left. Run back across the lake and back up into the save room. To the right the path will start moving diagonally down.
Now cross the area where you had a mech fight and climb up the ladder on the right side. That is all the numbered collectibles and 99% completion. Hop after entering the next room to crash through some barriers and collect Gold Bar 10. Drop down to the bottom of this screen. Follow this path down to a save room and back up until you find a lever in front of a staircase and a door. Now speed run all the way left, up, and down a passage into a room between two save rooms. A1: Requires double jump, up and to the right then drop down to it, A2: Requires double jump, grenades. Follow this path up and exit right. We're in a tall room we've been in a couple of times already. Head back to the hole we jumped over near the lake. C- This works, but not sure if it saves much time. Fall Guys Adds Sonic, Ghost of Tsushima Gets PS5 Boost, SNES World Planned For 2021 , New Amiibo Available, Cyberpunk 2077 Goes Gold, Mincraft Dungeons Cross-Play, Pokemon Expansion Details , EA Play Joins Xbox Game Pass, Plans for Series X Successor, Gamer Streams 1k Hours, Starfield Engine Rewritten for Next-Gen, Disney Postpones Films. Shadow Complex 100% Item map By Oymon An easy to read map for Shadow Complex, showing a complete map of the map and the location of all … Staying on the surface, move right and a little up to find Foam Pack 15. From front door jump up and to the right, then use grenades, A4: Crawl left into the tunnel, then shoot up to clear the rocks, A5: Requires double-jump, look for small cave on ridge, A6: On the left, hidden behind a fallen beam, A7: Requires missiles. Halfway up the room is a shield enemy Kill him for access to a missile hatch and Missile pack 11. In the original version of the game, if you grabbed the early missiles here, it would prevent you from picking up the intended first missile pack later, and prevent you from completing the game at 100%. Drop back down and go left through the other door you unlocked. You don't want to miss this, we're not coming near this room again.
Proceed all the way to the left and up at the end of this room to meet a foam bomba.
Now go down the vent and through the path to Health Upgrade 1.
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