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Animals & Nature. If you've ever spent a warm summer day near a pond, you've undoubtedly watched the aerial antics of dragonflies. This is called a teneral adult. Insects Basics Behavior & Communication Ants. Life Cycle and Biology. Dragonflies that oviposit directly into the water may produce thousands of eggs. These dragonflies deposit their eggs on the water's surface, or in some cases, on the ground near the pond or stream. Sometimes the eggs are injected directly into stream or pond sediment. Once the dragonfly leaves the exuvia it is a full grown dragonfly. Some species lie in wait for prey and hide by either burrowing in the mud or resting within the vegetation. Bees, & Wasps Beetles Butterflies & Moths Spiders Ticks & Mites True Bugs, Aphids, Cicadas, and Hoppers Amphibians Birds Habitat Profiles Mammals Reptiles The Dragonfly Life Cycle Share Flipboard Email Print Florin Chelaru / Flickr. Other species hunt actively, sneaking up on prey or even swimming in pursuit of their meals. The Golden-ringed Dragonfly lays its eggs by hovering vertically and stabbing its abdomen into stream-beds. If the prolarva hatches from an egg that was deposited on the soil, it will make its way to the water before molting. Others dip their abdomens into the water to release their eggs. During this aquatic stage, odonate nymphs breathe through gills. Egg hatching varies considerably. The female typically slits open the stem of an aquatic plant just below the waterline and places her eggs inside the stem. All dragonfly and damselfly nymphs are aquatic and remain in the water until they are ready to molt into adulthood. Once out of the water and secured to a rock or plant, the nymph expands its thorax, causing the exoskeleton to split open. How to Identify the Common Green Darner Dragonfly, How to Distinguish Between a Dragonfly and a Damselfly, Insects: The Most Diverse Animal Group in the Planet, The Types and Stages of Insect Metamorphosis, B.A., Political Science, Rutgers University. The eggs sink to the bottom or fall onto aquatic vegetation. Female dragonflies, like hawkers and darners, lay endophytic eggs. In some species, eggs may hatch in just a few days, while in others, the eggs may overwinter and hatch the following spring. The new adult will be weak and pale initially and only have limited flying ability. Dragonfly eggs are only laid in still water, as eggs laid in quickly moving water will wash into fish-feeding areas. When it is finally ready for its last molt, the larva crawls out of the water and grabs hold of a plant stem or other surface. Exophytic ovipositors include clubtails, skimmers, emeralds, and spiketails. The dragonfly will hunt for food and begin to look for a mate. In warmer climates, the larval stage may take only a month, with the nymph growing rapidly. All dragonflies and damselflies (Order Odonata) undergo simple or incomplete metamorphosis. Damselfly nymphs swim by undulating their bodies. During the final few instars, the dragonfly nymph begins to develop its adult wings, although they remain tucked inside wing pads. Initially, the dragonfly is out for hunting their respective mating partners. Like adult dragonflies, the nymphs are predators.
Dragonflies pull water into their rectums to respire. There are two methods for depositing eggs: flying lo… In exophytic ovipositors, the females extrude eggs from a special pore on the underside of the abdomen. Their young are aquatic, and they require water to complete their life cycle. Some species fly low over the water, dropping eggs at intervals into the water. Their hunting methods vary. Debbie Hadley is a science educator with 25 years of experience who has written on science topics for over a decade. This means that scythe-like ovipositors are used to inject these elongated eggs into plant stems, leaves, rotten wood, or debris that is at or near the surface of a water source. After breeding, a female dragonfly selects a pond or marsh in which to lay her eggs. The life cycle of a dragonfly starts with eggs. In some species, the female will briefly submerge herself in order to oviposit in a plant well below the water's surface. Dragonfly conservationists are concerned that manmade objects may be putting some odonates at risk of decline because female dragonflies have been known to deposit their eggs on solar panels or car hoods instead of in ponds or streams. Once the dragonfly finds a mate, the female will find a body of calm water that will be a good place to lay her eggs, and the life cycle of the dragonfly begins all over again. Most odonate species are endophytic ovipositors, meaning they insert their eggs into plant tissues using well-developed ovipositors. Having reached sexual maturity, this new generation will start searching for mates and begin the life cycle again. They live near water for a reason. Life cycle of a dragonfly is divided into three simple stages: the egg, the nymph and the adult. Some nymphs travel quite far from the water. Unfortunately, dragonflies cannot always distinguish the surface of a pond from other reflective surfaces, like the shiny finishes on cars. Endophytic ovipositors include all damselflies, as well as petal tail dragonflies and darners. In dragonflies and damselflies, a prolarva hatches from the egg and quickly molts into the true larval form. This immature stage looks quite different from the adult dragonfly. When they expel the water, they are propelled forward. What Do Adult and Immature Dragonflies Eat? Damselfly gills are located at the end of the abdomen, while the gills of dragonfly larvae are found inside their rectums. Other dragonflies, like emeralds, skimmers and clubtails, extrude round exophytic eggs from a special pore on the underside of their abdomens. Dragonflies and damselflies aren't zipping about the pond to enjoy the scenery, though. Mated dragonflies and damselflies deposit their eggs in, on, or near the water, depending on the kind of odonate. After mating the female dragonfly carries her eggs and gently places it on still water as running or moving water might wash away all the eggs to fish feeding areas. The closer to adulthood the nymph is, the fuller the wing pads appear. Teneral adults are more vulnerable to predators, as they have softer bodies and weaker muscles. Within a few days, the dragonfly or damselfly usually exhibits its full adult colors and gains the strong flying ability that is characteristic of odonates. Slowly, the adult emerges from the cast skin (called the exuvia) and begins to expand its wings, a process that may take an hour to complete. Dragonfly nymphs molt between 9 and 17 times as they grow and develop, but how quickly they reach each instar depends greatly on the climate. Odonate nymphs have modified lower lips, which they can thrust forward in a split second to grab a passing tadpole, arthropod, or small fish. Some dragonflies are exophytic ovipositors. In the coldest regions of their range, dragonflies may remain in the larval stage for several years. Dragonfly larvae are also called nymphs or naiads. There are three stages in the life-cycle of all dragonflies: egg, larva (also known as a nymph) and adult.
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