16 Oct borderlands 2 vr pc review
How is that immersive or natural? The Alien game that put the property of the No-Success Radar.. I know that's not super encouraging, but it does enough right that it's a lot of fun if you go into it with a positive attitude. biiiiiiiiig disapoitment.... unplayable in current state... and next 50 bucks for broken VR control support? Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Note: Considering the multitude of existing reviews which assess the merits of the non-VR version, and the need to take comfort breaks in the VR version, I did not complete the game’s reported ~25 hours of main quest content. ・バカゲー好き。, こんな人にはおススメできない。 And what is that core fun exactly? based on
Both can offer a great VR experience. I’ll take 2880×1600 , wireless with good tracking, and controllers over RGB any day. It flat version smeared on your face, greedy bethesda was able to do better VR game port, or No man sky for free!!!
Another one that didn’t read the so called review. You’re a seriously sad, unhappy little individual. From the outset, the non-VR version of the game is designed expecting continuous movement from the player (to maneuver in battle), often in directions they aren’t looking (strafing, moving backwards while shooting). This is unfair to the Developers and to the people that actually can play in VR. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Sad that people feel the need to limit their experiences to one camp or another but that seems to be a sort of tribal human nature thing. greedy bethesda was able to do better VR game port, or No man sky for free!!! Don’t feed them. I’m sure this release will have the same impact on VR sales. Games are far superior on PSVR. Nobody knows about pcvr it hasn’t even moved a million units combined in all this time. These points together raise a huge question: why play Borderlands 2 in VR? UGH! The reticle, as implemented, doesn’t feel quite right in VR when played with Move, but it’s essential to representing the unique feel of the game’s many weapons, as the bouncing reticle indicates the amount of kick and its expansion represents various states of accuracy. ※2018年12月にはPSVR版が約5,400円で配信。, これがめちゃくちゃ爽快で、従来のFPSと比べても敵に弾を当てている感覚を味わえました。, そもそも、従来のFPSって視界が狭い関係で敵に弾を当てている感覚が薄かったんですよ。, ゲームによっては敵に弾を当てた時にバッテンマークが小さく表示されるけど、大抵は遠くで起こっている出来事なので今ひとつ手応えを感じられません。, その点、今作はダメージ数がバンバン表示されてエフェクトも派手なので敵に弾を当てている感覚をしっかりと味わえました!, リアリティは薄れますが、本作のエフェクトに慣れてしまうとFPS系のゲームではダメージ数の表示を必須にしてほしいと思ってしまいますww, すると瀕死状態になるんですが、その状態のまま一定時間内に敵を倒せば復活することができるんです!, ※倒せなかったとしても小額のお金を払って近くのチェックポイントから再開することが可能。, そのうえレベルや属性の概念が存在するため、レベルを上げたり武器の属性を変えたらそれまでに戦っていた敵を簡単に倒すことが出来ます。, じゃあFPS上級者は楽しめないのかと言う話になりそうですが、そんなことはありません。, このように様々な戦法で戦えるので、他のFPSで培ったノウハウを活かすことが出来ます。, しかもオフラインプレイでは最大2人。オンラインプレイでは最大4人で楽しむことができるんです!, ※PS4/Xbox One版の場合はオフラインプレイでも最大4人で楽しむことが出来ます。, 例えばそれぞれのプレイヤーがロビー画面に入らないと合流できないなんてことはないんですよ。, いつでも途中参戦、途中離脱が可能で、2012年当時のゲームとしては融通が効く仕様になっています。, 複数の武器やクラスが存在するおかげで1人プレイでは味わえない駆け引きを生み出していて、ゲームをより面白くしていました。, 協力プレイでは単に共闘するだけではなく、このようなコミュニケーションを取ることが出来ます。, このように複数の武器やクラスが存在するおかげでボイスチャットを通じての協力プレイを行うと役割分担をすることが出来ます。, オンライン時にポーズボタンを押すとフレンドが本作をプレイしているのか一目で分かるので、見かけたら声をかけてみましょう!, 実際、この仕様によって当時プレイしていた時は思わぬ方が合流してきたので盛り上がりました。, そのため理論上無限に近い種類の武器が存在することになるので、武器を集める楽しさが増しました。, 武器の中にはなかなか出現しない珍しいタイプも存在するので、レア武器の入手を意識すると中毒性がさらに高まります!, 前述の通り持っている武器は他のプレイヤーといつでも交換することができるので、「ポケットモンスター」のモンスター交換的な楽しさも味わえますよ~。, 例えばメインミッションの他に数多くのサブミッションやチャレンジが存在するんですよ。, それ以外にも2周目以降のハードモード、隠しボス、イースターエッグも存在するので、完全クリアを目指そうと思ったらキリがありません。, 噂によると「Minecraft(マインクラフト)」「DARK SOULS(ダークソウル)」「ドンキーコング」のパロディ要素が隠されているようですが・・・。, このように中毒性抜群の「ボーダーランズ2」ですが、全体的なセンスも秀逸だったりします。, 本作に登場するキャラクターの多くは陽気でぶっとんでおり、面白おかしい発言を連発します。, 例えばロボットのクラップトラップの場合、シリアスな場面でも天然全快の発言と行動を起こすんですよw, 時にはプレイヤーに向かって失礼な発言を連発するなどしてウザく感じまずが、憎めないキャラクターでした。, また、スキル、持ち物画面などは少々ごちゃごちゃしているのでもう少し見やすくしてほしかった。, 地名やキャラクター名は英語表記のうえに文字が小さいので、なんて読むのか分かりにくいです。, 日本語音声なので地名やキャラクターを読んでくれるのはありがたいけど、出来れば地名やキャラクター名も日本語表記にしてほしかった。, 用意されているミッションの多くが「○○へ行け!」「○○を倒せ!」「○○を○個集めろ!」といったものですからね・・・。, もちろん、戦闘自体は奥深いんですが、もう少しギミックを増やして謎解き要素を取り入れるなどしてほしかった(こういった要素を邪魔に感じる人も居そうですが)。, 本作は最終的にはステータスが物を言うので、例えプレイヤースキルが高くてもレベルが高いプレイヤーの方が有利に進められるんですよ。, その点は良いんですが、他のプレイヤーと協力プレイをしながらだと勝手にストーリーを進められて状況を把握出来なくなるんですよ。, しかもメインミッションを進めながらサブミッションを始めることもできるので、下手をしたらごっちゃになってしまいます。, クラップトラップなど魅力的なキャラクターが多いだけに、ストーリーを把握しにくいのは勿体なく感じました。, ややお使い色が強く、単調な部分もありますが、ハック&スラッシュや協力プレイ好きにはおすすめの作品。, ユーザーインターフェースはFPS風なので、同ジャンルが苦手なRPG好きの入門用としてもおすすめです。, まだ改善の余地はありますが、大量の隠し要素と相まって噛めば噛むほど味が出てくる作品。, こんな人には特におススメ。
PS VR has less accurate tracking and less advanced controllers (although PS MOVE still suits me personally) But PS VR is much cheaper, there are a lot of games on it, including exclusives like Astro-bot, .The Persistence, even Borderlands 2 comes out first in PS VR. Available On: PlayStation VR While Borderlands 2 VR didn’t have many moments of outright comfort lurching (just don’t jump!
i.e. Unfortunately sniper rifles and other scoped weapons feel tremendously hampered because of the clunky implementation of scopes in Borderlands 2 VR. MuH AaA PsVR ExclUsIveS. biiiiiiiiig disapoitment.... unplayable in current state... and. Also I played on a PS4 Pro with a V2 Headset and the graphics were clean. For others- PS VR is a great way to join the world of virtual reality. Perhaps spent 100+ hours there on my Vive.. until I got ps aim gun nd Firewall. That being said: sure gfx on my Vive PRO look a whole lot better, but Astro Bots is my GOTY any day, any year.. And yes PCVR gamers: you are missing out A LOT! By the time it comes out for the PC (in likely 5 months, right?) When using the free walk mode, holding down the Move’s big button causes you to move in the direction your controller is pointing. Still, it’s clear the interface was not built with this scheme in mind, as some actions are not intuitive at first, but it gets the job done in the end. My first hint that this was the wrong choice was the fact that the game relies on floating reticles to indicate where your shorts will land, including artificial recoil which causes the reticle to bounce around. Critic Review If it wasn’t for PSVR, nobody would have even knew PCVR existed. When they’re happy they’ll then tech up into something better. 5.9 Borderlands 2??? Maybe that will have actual VR support this time around now that they know what they’re doing that you can’t learn unless you make mistakes, something Bethesda is learning the hardway for Skyrim & Fallout 4. There was a problem. I really really enjoyed it, but I'm not going to play it again until they fix it. I played 3 hours with the gamepad and have tons of fun. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/18451f4ecd166eb0128f9aef2331c5f126f633c1f168f3699ba31af914416ac1.jpg. up until the oculus go all anybody knew was pcvr… now they know pcvr and mobile vr while nobody cares about psvr. without anybody saying anything to you. Oh I think so NPC bruh. There is no going back no matter what are ps4 limitations. Why would I compare it to Odyssey+? The game’s usual interface has been ported to VR in an entirely straightforward way—it’s the original interface but now on a plane floating in front of you. is a mystery. You can shoot using the magical rifle, pull out a move to dual wield or use a blade or throw a grenade and use the ds4 for vehicle controls.
Developer: Gearbox Games There is a reason why most post PSVR HMDs copied PSVR head strap: Samsung odyssey, Samsung odyssey+, ALL Windows HMDs [no reason to list them one by one], Lenovo Mirage Solo, Vive Focus [hey look, even VIVE copied PSVR], the new DEUS and so on. An option to turn off head tracking while using a DS4 would probably get rid of the sickness for a lot of people. If you click an affiliate link and buy a product we may receive a small commission which helps support the publication.
Playing the Beta it’s the best VR shooter I’ve ever played. Contractor is good but it gets old fast. I got a feeling Contractors is gonna smash in the reviews tomorrow. The reason it passed testing is the Megalomaniac Owner= Randy Pitchford.. Yeah, you failed to note that people want an easier way to get into VR that PSVR is a way to get into VR. Hah, look at this guy try so hard to convey “I can’t afford a Vive or Rift” and justify his lower end purchase. Hopefully they introduce more game modes. No score yet The fact is nobody wants to pay that kinda of money for unfinished indie games! As well the psvr being the most comfortable is just your opinion, and no everyone did not copy them, FACT. Dud. You’re no beacon of maturity like you think okay. It comes down to the person and everyone has a different shaped head. If one guy can do this a decent size team should have that in their game. The real problem is the PS4. I don’t think the occulus go will do psvr numbers. > it just seems like PC has alot of unfinished ideas instead fully fleshed out AAA games. go play Beat Saber, casual boy. you won’t grab a move/sword fast enough in the kind of frantic action at display here. I bet noticing this though makes me an immature elitist PC asshole, watch. There are a small few bugs in the Walk + Teleportation. VR enthusiast YouTubers Cas & Chary tried the game out with five different headsets and reported that on most (even Valve's own Index headset) the world felt wildly out-of-scale and weapons didn't seem to be correctly positioned relative to the controllers. While the original Borderlands 2 was highly focused around co-op, supporting up to four players, Borderlands 2 VR lacks co-op entirely, making it a single player experience through-and-through. Perhaps save your criticism until you have a chance to play it yourself. Prequel? Unfair ? クリエイトしたレスラーでWWEの頂点を目指すモード。D... 本日2/4(木)リリースの『NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝 ナルティメットストーム4』。BD版もDL版も8,208円 (税込)です。DL容量は35.95GB。DL版は分割ダウンロードで最初に3GBちょっとダウンロードされて、その間はフリーバ... 2019年3月22日にリリースされた『SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE』の感想。ラスボスまでプレイしました。, 2019年4月9日に北米と英国でリリースされた『Falcon Age』をクリアしました。. While a fraction of VR users suffer motion sickness, the majority have no issues at all. Every review is just an opinion piece some we agree with and others we don’t. Its just an opinion fair has nothing to do with it. you conveniently left out Samsung odyssey+, the vive pro, pimax and more just to compare psvr to the oldest headset that exists…… I understand why the reviewer wasn’t impressed, but I still think I may like this one. Really sour (read: if I cannot enjoy it, nobody will). I wonder how can you even play Windlands without roomscale. Well, at least all the other PSVR games are said to be solid that they’re helping PSVR sell more than any other VR device out there. The move is the worst controller ever if you have to actually move. This is a company that didn’t even start Bordrlands3 until 5 Years later! New York, Fucking read the review!! This seems mostly due to image scaling and controller position problems with a variety of VR setups. So a person relating their experience is false reporting ? This is one of the most unfair reviews I have ever seen. There’s also nothing in the game that makes the player feel particularly connected to the world. The most glaring flaw is the move sticks idk what Sony is going to do with those things?
He swore up & down how awesome & proud he wa of Battleborn & how it will be supported for the long blahblahblah.. WTF ???!!!! biiiiiiiiig disapoitment.... unplayable in current state... and. Reviewed On: PSVR (PS4 Pro) Get your facts straight. this review should be updated because 1. aim controller supported was added 2. all dlcs are coming at no additional cost. You guys arguing about PCVR vs PSVR are really pathetic people!!! The gfx aren’t that bad I I don’t get sick at all. I didn’t use my psvr until it got some good games but now it’s my primary gaming method. But I think you are right: good Indie games, will land on PSVR, but, with subpar controllers and no roomscale. I have Rift, Go, (had a Vive), and have PSVR. I literally pity you … Honestly. my first post to which you replayed reads “PSVR OLED screens much better then Vive and Oculus rainbow trash”. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/330d2ba19b6617019ee067e20629d76fe2dae21e517907f01e801133a87cc1c8.png. Instead of a uber awesome expansion aka Large DLC which we woulda paid $35-$30 for, they went and sold it separate as a full blown new release.. The Rift also has sensors in the back but you can´t accurately shoot without 3 sensors (I used to have 2). So thankful Sony gave me a refund today due to my lack of research before buying (I just assumed that this *shooter* would of course use the aim controller), Having finally played it, I am gonna go ahead and agree with other reviewers. I’m probably a ‘low to medium’ on sensitivity to sim sickness in VR. I Good review.. - Even playing with snap turning and peripheral blinders at medium, I still found myself with a case of the ‘VR sweats’ (the precursor to a full blown sim sickness headache) during most sessions longer than 20 minutes or so. Official Site Now there’s a stupid non joke i’ve not heard for a decade. they milk you for cash. The crazy thing is a one man team has the perfect control scheme for borderlands that uses all the controllers if you want. Neither Skyrim VR nor Fallout VR were perfect on launch. PSVR has 172800 more RGB pixels PER then RIFT/Vive, 2073600 subpixels divided by 8 = 259200 pixels Although developer Gearbox Software has “painstakingly optimized Borderlands 2 VR to ensure it’s one of the smoothest, most seamless VR experiences out there,” the studio warned reviewers up front that “most players” should take “frequent breaks” (every 15-20 minutes) to ensure comfort—not a good sign. We get it, you’ve got personal issues, but deal with them instead of projecting your constant immature trolling everywhere.
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