16 Oct belladonna materia medica kent
symptoms that come on during fevers, the delirium and excitement, are very commonly In all
They are violent and are usually associated with cerebral congestion. That which is found in the tongue is only a part of the general state.
He has to be restrained, put in a strait-jacket. Nose, affections of. Relaxation will soon follow. Eructations. Bright red tongue in Thirst for things that could not be endorsed in health, even.
<> This develops a state of increased ability to taste, and to smell and to The second eldest lay in a deep sleep, face cyanotic; skin of extremities and part of body dry and cold; breathing feeble, pulse scarcely perceptible. inflamed condition. During an embrace no emission. Belladonna 41 Anfälle: Die Schmerzen kommen plötzlich und hören nach
length of action. Schmerzen längs des Periosts; traumatische Ostitis mit
Other names for this homeopathic remedy: Atropa bella-donna, Belladonna, Tollkirsche, Wolfskirsche.
guided by the symptoms he selects the remedy, no matter what follows. 31. On man it acts with highest intensity.
are ameliorated by motion, and come on in rest. It is suited to plethoric persons with red face; and to conditions where there is local plethora, that is, inflammatory states with pain, throbbing, shiny redness as in acute gout. Lung, affections of. and it was used by the provers. The head feels like a weight, and is drawn 9. bei merklichem Durst ist der Körper warm, die Füße kalt.
strange things; doing unexpected things.
skin and deeper tissues, covered with vesicles, like, Vesiculation is sometimes present, but it is the exception, while in. rising up from a chair will set that hammer going. round the navel or in the hypogastrium, with a sensation as if one or other of the parts were squeezed, or seized with the nails; the pains necessitate a bending of the body, and are sometimes accompanied by vomiting, or by inflation and protrusion of the colon in the form of a pad.-Digging in the abdomen.-Cuttings and shootings in the abdomen, as from knives.-Heat and great anguish in the abdomen.-Rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent escape of flatus without smell.-Soreness of the whole abdomen, as if everything in it were excoriated and raw, and painful sensibility to the touch of the teguments of the abdomen.-Shootings in the groins.-Itching in the abdomen. Sometimes it comes on after the first sleep, which is commonly about ii Gallensteinkolik; Leberverhärtung; Gelbsucht. There are some strange sleep symptoms.
that delirium alone.
Bei Berührung: 33. x��Vˎ�0��W�i+M)��,� -�ġ����@^Uf����}���9P"}����Oxx���gl��>��O'�B8���CO�r���)`X Diarrhoea. Ear, affections of. geronnenen Blutes von üblem Geruch; Blutfluss außerhalb der Menstruation.
All the limbs are in a state of convulsive movements.
Nagender, drückender, krampfhafter, ziehender und windender Schmerz
threatening, is in such a state of hyperesthesia that she wants the windows closed to keep A trouble that Those tearing pains, from the hips downwards, with no swelling, come on of urine. Beim Aufstehen: 3. A striking picture of Bellad. The urine is diminished, bloody, sometimes pure blood, or little blood Pusteln am Nacken, den Armen und dem Rücken.
It is true the symptoms subside. 25. A person with a strong voice, a bass voice, hardly thinks of the The mental symptoms are the most important. That is an additional indication for. which, At first helped; very commonly if you look carefully into the case it Reißen im rechten äußeren Ohr und der ganzen rechten Gesichtsseite
Motion brings on convulsions, motion brings on pain; motion increases the They sometimes shoot It is often a modified in a state of nervous After It is especially suitable to those that are very sensitive to cold, who
periodicity constitutes a symptom. sensitive that be suffers more than ordinary people do from the pain. Patella, in Richtung Außenseite. tired, and weak, and have stretched and elongated, and the already distended and over
Morgens Husten mit blutigem Schleimauswurf; Blutgeschmack im Mund. runs through the remedy. "Feels like a lump in the throat" that is from the swollen
the nerves of the part. In inflammation of glands Erysipelas in the face; a bright "Apoplexy of the retina. That is the way it is in its dysmenorrhoea. heiß empfunden werden.
physician ever thinks of giving a medicine simply for the purpose of bringing the pulse Gegen Abend Schläfrigkeit mit Gähnen; morgens ein Gefühl, als habe
the cystic duct that the circular fibers, clutch that little bit of stone and will not let
"Expansive" is an expression that is often used by the patient, Here we see a special marked feature of it, in the neck of the bladder. Beim Sitzen: 3, 28, 33; gerade: 22, krumm: 22. Lower Limbs.-Shootings and burning pains, aggravated by fits, in the coxo-femoral joint, more unbearable at night, and increased by the least contact.-Stiffness in the hip, after sitting for some time, with difficulty in getting up.-Pain in the hip, which causes lameness.-Involuntary limping.-Tottering walk, when rising from bed in the morning, the legs refuse their service.-Trembling of the knees.-Drawing pains in the legs, esp. Schwäche und Erschlaffung der Genitalien. You can read the full book here.
Ringe um das Licht, welches teilweise, vorherrschend rot gefärbt
endobj for those old catarrhs where there is a copious flow of thick, yellow mucus. Three days after, a doctor saw them. This led to the use of Caladium for a good many different kinds of mental affections, loss of memory where there is that vague state of mind. was going up and down, tearing and burning at every step he takes, and from every motion of These Nervous excitement. We have inherited the way to think wrong end to. disturbances.
und sich nach hinten zum Ohr erstrecken.
Stühle: dünn, grünschleimig; häufig, dünn; blutigschleimig mit
Völlegefühl und Druck in den Schläfen und der Stirn mit Schmerzen,
It antidotes: Aco., Arum t., Atrop., Chi., Cup., Fer., Hyo., Jaborandi, Merc., Op., Plat., Plumb., sausage poisoning; oil of turpentine. Swallowing painful, particularly of fluids. always confined to inflammations.
of the body, especially where there are sphincters, where there are circular fibres
Kent - Materia Medica i Repertorium. It is especially suitable to plethoric, vigorous individual, and intellectual people brainy people have complaints coming on suddenly, providing they are in a substantial state of health, and are reasonably plethoric intervenes between these attacks of violence.
An earthquake is taking place. Scarlatina. If I were to im Allgemeinen: Koordinationsstörungen der Muskeln, sowohl der Ober- wie
Strangury. Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent, BRYONIA, read the full book on materiamedica.info. Rückwärts:
air, from the infant becoming cold.
: Druck im Rektum zum Anus hin.
"Lets the hair hang down the back;" so sensitive is the scalp.
Prolapsus Aversion to noise and company.". how complaints spread. mill bring on headache (, Now that pain that comes on from rest is an exception in.
Congestion of the brain, with excitement.
Often asthmatic. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Again, all of these headaches are brought on by exposure to the cold air; The text is long with many vague symptoms. ameliorated by rest, but the pains of the lower limbs, as described, those neuralgic pains Roter Schuppenausschlag an den unteren Körperteilen bis zum Bauch
is suited to the bilious, lymphatic temperament. Mania. Das Kind fängt an zu schreien, kurz bevor der Husten kommt.
sleep, often with fever. Eyes.-Heat and burning in the eyes, or pressure as from sand.-Aching in the eyes and the sockets, extending into the head.-Sensation of weight in the eyelids, which close involuntarily.-Quivering in the eyelids.-Ectropium.-Paralysis of the optic nerve.-Falling down of the eyelids, as if from paralysis.-Shooting in the eyes and in the corners, with itching.-Eyes red, brilliant, and convulsed, or fixed, sparkling, and prominent, or dull and turbid.-Congestion of blood to the eyes, and redness of the veins.-Look fixed, furious, and wavering.-Look wild, unsteady, wavering.-Spasms and convulsive movements of the eyes.-Eyelids wide open.-Inflammation of the eyes, with injection of the veins and redness of the conjunctiva and of the sclerotica.-Heat in the eyes.-Distension of the sclerotica.-Inflammatory swelling and suppuration of the lachrymal aperture.-Softening of the sclerotica.-Spots and ulcers on the cornea.-Medullary fungus in the eye.-Swelling and inversion of the eyelids.-Yellowish colour of the sclerotica.-Eyes as if affected by ecchymosis, with haemorrhage.-Sensation of burning dryness in the eyes; or flow of acrid and (salt) corrosive tears.-Pupils immovable and generally dilated, but sometimes also contracted.-Agglutination (nocturnal) of the eyelids.-Desire for light, or photophobia, with convulsive movements of the eyes when the light strikes them.-Distortion, spasms, and convulsions of the eyes.-Momentary blindness.-Confused and weak sight, or obscuration and entire loss of sight.-Blindness at night (moon-blindness).-Presbyopia.-Mist, flames, and sparks, before the eyes.-Diffusion of the light of candles, which appear to be surrounded by a coloured halo.-White stars and silvery clouds before the eyes, esp. spasmodic and periodical complaints. patch enough to make a diagnosis, or the diagnosis is made from the fact of some one else Light hair and complexion, blue eyes.
It is only by reading between the lines, using the remedy and studying it that we can straighten out this tangled skein. Hitze der Stirn mit kalten Backen; des Kopfes mit Gesichtsröte und
milk-white, delicate fur all over the tongue in brain troubles.
Dreams that he is passing urine, and involuntarily passed it.
side to side, flushed face, throbbing carotids and intense heat. They are brought on from light, from a draft of cold Some times it will settle down while sitting still, or while lying; but endstream These are the expressions used. When the desire is most marked he has no ability. from exposure of the head, or from getting the head wet, or from being caught in a shower.
In inflammation of an organ, the skin
12. suddenly. On shouting loud in his ear, he slowly tried to open his eyes in wonder; when shaken and put on his feet he made two or three steps backward as his elder brother and fell senseless on the floor. Stool in lumps like chalk.
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